Radiologic Assessment of Resectability of Carcinoma of the Head of the Pancreas

Twenty-four patients with probably resectable carcinoma of the head of the pancreas were examined by means of CT, [computed tomography], ERCP [endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography] and US [ultrasound] and supplemented with angiography to assess the resectability. Resection was possible in half of the patients. As the series consisted only of potentially resectable cases, those with obvious liver metastases at CT or US were not included. The 3 patients in whom CT or US revealed a tumor larger than 5 cm were inoperable. A distance less than 5.5 cm between the hilum of the liver and the proximal margin of the tumor measured in the common bile duct at ERCP also meant inoperability. Invasion of the superior mesenteric or splenic vein at angiography as an indication of non-resectability was confirmed at laparotomy in 12 of 13 cases.