Study of K+π scattering in the reaction K+pK+πΔ++ at 12 GeVc

We have studied K+π elastic scattering in the reaction K+pK+πΔ++ at 12 GeVc and in the Kπ mass interval 800 to 1000 MeV. We have performed a partial-wave analysis in this Kπ mass region, dominated by the p-wave resonance K*(890), in order to obtain information about the s-wave amplitude. We have extrapolated the K+π moments, the total cross section, and p-wave cross section to the pion pole. The p-wave cross section is close to the unitarity limit and can be described by a Breit-Wigner resonance form, with parameters M=896±2 MeV and Γ=47±3 MeV. We then perform an energy-independent phase-shift analysis of the extrapolated moments and total cross section using this Breit-Wigner form for the p wave and a previously determined small negative phase shift for the I=32s wave. For the I=12s-wave phase shift we find the so called "down" solution, which has a phase shift that rises slowly from 20° at M(Kπ)=800 MeV to 60° at M(Kπ)=1000 MeV. The energy dependence of this phase shift is well described by an effective range form, with a scattering length a01=0.33±0.05 F. The so-called "up" solution is eliminated or has large χ2 everywhere except for two overlapping mass intervals at M(Kπ)=890 and 900 MeV. However, due to limited statistics, we expect two solutions for the s wave very near the mass where the p wave is resonant. We then perform an energy-dependent partial-wave analysis and find again no evidence for an s-wave resonance although, due to limited statistics, we could not exclude one at 890 MeV with Γ<7 MeV.