Habitat Use by Female Roosevelt Elk in the Oregon Coast Range

Based on 3710 relocations, 6 radio-collared female C. e. roosevelti preferred old growth forest and hardwood stands in managed forestland of the Oregon Coast Range in 1978-1979. Mixed forest and sapling-pole stands were used less (P < 0.05) than expected. Brushy clear-cuts were used more (P < 0.05) than new clear-cuts for foraging. Elk preferred southern aspects yearlong and did not venture far from forest/clear-cut edges. Elk spent more time in cover and used lower elevation areas closer to water during calving season than the rest of the year. Elk appeared unaffected by inclement weather during the mid winter of the study and sought cover during warmer periods of the day during all seasons. Cover use increased during the hunting season. Elk typically foraged in brushy clear-cuts during early and late daylight hours and spent the midday bedded or loafing in old-growth stands. Integration of management for Roosevelt elk and other forest resources is recommended.

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