Teleme Cheese from Deep-Frozen Curd

The possibility of making Teleme cheese was examined with curd frozen and stored at C for 1, 2 and 6 mo. The curd was frozen as soon as it was made from a mixture of 90% ewe''s milk and 10% goat''s milk. During ripening changes in the moisture, pH, titratable acidity, fat, lactose, total N, soluble N in 12% trichloroacetic acid (nonprotein nitrogen), soluble N at pH 4.6 (noncasein N) were followed as well as oxidation of fat. The flavor, body and texture of the cheese were examined by a taste panel. Cheese made from deep-frozen curd showed more extensive proteolysis and accelerated ripening than controls; differences depended on the duration of deep-frozen storage. None of the deep-frozen samples had any flavor defects, but the texture was inferior to that of controls because of crumbliness in the interior of the cheese. If the defect of texture can be overcome, Teleme cheese from deep-frozen curd is commercially acceptable.