Retail Buyers of Apparel and Appliances: A Comparison

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among selected variables from a model of industrial buying behavior in the study of retail buying and to compare apparel and appliance buyers. One hundred-twenty apparel buyers and 126 appliance buyers responded to a mailed questionnaire. A factor analysis generated factors for Product Fashionability, Vendor, Negotiations, Supply, and Brand Name. Further analyses revealed that both groups of buyers relied on personal selling as an information source and were loyal to past vendors. Apparel purchases were characterized as "new task," appliance purchases as "routine." Apparel buyers emphasized quality, good delivery, styling, steady source of supply, and fair prices in making purchases; appliance buyers emphasized quality, steady source of supply, fair prices, good delivery, and brand. The results of this study seem to indicate that apparel buyers need awareness of and skill in purchase negotiations. Retail buyers need to read additional sources of information and should be encouraged to make greater use of trade publications. Educators who provide training and employers in the retail industry should recognize the differences in buying tasks depending on the line of merchandise. Finally, variables from a model of industrial buying behavior were found to be useful for further study of retail buying behavior.

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