The barbiturate is extracted with CHCl3, washed with phosphate buffer and then extracted with 0.45 [image] NaOH, and hydrolyzed in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. The UV extinctions measured from 227 to 265 m[mu] at pH 13.4 in 0.45 [image] NaOH and pH 10 in borate buffer. Barbiturates are identified by maximum absorption at 238 in borate, at 252-5 in NaOH with minimum at 235 and isosbestic points at 228 and 248 m[mu], with greatest differences in extinction in NaOH and borate at 260 and 236 m[mu]. Effects of concentration of reagents, wave length setting, interfering materials, etc. are discussed. Individual barbiturates could be distinguished by the rate of destruction on alkaline hydrolysis.