Reanalysis and clarification of the structures of α-naphthoflavone dihydrodiols formed by uninduced and induced rat liver microsomes from Charles River CD and Sprague-Dawley rats

The structures of α -naphthoflavone (ANF) dihydrodiols formed by uninduced and induced rat liver microsomes are identified by conversion of the metabolically formed ANF-dihydrodiols to the corresponding phenols. Comparison of these phenols with synthetic standards provides an unambiguous method for structural identification. The results of these studies are that hepatic microsomes from uninduced or phenobarbital, Aroclor-1254, 3-methylcholanthrene, or 5,6-benzoflavone induced Sprague-Dawley or Charles River CD rats each produce a major and a minor ANF-dihydrodiol identified as ANF-7,8-dihydrodiol and ANF-5,6-dihydrodiol, respectively.