Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Imaging in White Matter Disease of the Brain Using Spin-Echo Sequences

Attention is drawn to the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-echo sequences in the recognition of white matter disease of the brain. In 5 patients with multiple sclerosis. 8 lesions were seen with postcontrast x-ray computed tomography (CT) (37.5 g of iodine), 33 with inversion-recovery (IR) scans, and 47 with spin-echo (SE) scans. Partial volume effects were less of a diagnostic difficulty with SE scans than with IR scans. Extensive areas of abnormal white matter were seen with CT. IR. and SE scans in a patient with leucodystrophy associated with congenital muscular dystrophy. In a patient with adrenoleucodystrophy focal lesions were seen with CT. IR. and SE scans. In addition, loss of gray-white matter contrast was seen in both occipital lobes with IR scans. Extensive areas of white matter involvement were also seen in a case of Binswangers disease.