Search for a Zero-Phonon Gamma-Ray Transition inPd108andBa134

The nuclear quadrupole vibrational model allows one-phonon transitions but forbids both two-phonon and zero-phonon transitions. Whereas there exists a large amount of experimental information on the degree of forbiddenness of two-phonon transitions, there is little meaningful information on zero-phonon transitions. We have looked for the zero-phonon transition between the first 4+ state and the second 2+ state (between members of the two-phonon triplet) in the vibrational-type nuclei Pd108 and Ba134. We were not able to detect the zero-phonon γ rays. The limits set on the intensities of these transitions lead to notable degrees of forbiddenness. For Pd108 and Ba134, respectively the ratio B(E2)42B(E2)42 is greater than 80 and 360 (limits based on two standard deviations). For these nuclei the forbiddenness of a zero-phonon transition is at least as large as the forbiddenness of a two-phonon transition.