Elastic and Inelastic Proton Scattering fromPd110

The differential cross sections for elastically and inelastically scattered 13.0-MeV protons from Pd110 have been measured for 26 groups to levels below ∼3 MeV. Optical-model parameters were obtained from a fit of the elastic data. A comparison of the predictions given by the distorted-wave theory with the experimental results for the strongly excited 2+ level at 0.374 MeV and 3 level at 2.038 MeV yielded values of 0.241 for β2 and 0.134 for β3, where βλ is the deformation parameter of multipolarity λ. The coupled-channel theory was used to calculate cross sections for the two-quadrupole, the one-octupole-one-quadrupole, and the 6+ three-quadrupole phonon states. It was only possible to explain the strong diffraction pattern for the cross section of the second 2+ state by admixing the one- and two-quadrupole phonon states. Coupled-channel predictions suggest tentative spin parities of 1, 3 or 5, 3, and 3 for states at 2.135, 2.193, 2.446, and 2.778 MeV, respectively. For the 6+ three-quadrupole phonon state, the calculated cross sections are similar to those for proton groups exciting the 1.713- and 1.933-MeV states.