Orchestrating the Points of Community Intervention: Enhancing the Diffusion Process

Recent interest in community-based health education programs has emphasized the need to promote change in social systems, as well as individual behaviors. The problem is where and when to intervene to effect these multiple levels of change. Components of community programs have tended to be implemented simultaneously at only one or two points within a community. A potentially more effective approach would consider both where differing types of people can be reached, and the appropriate time to intervene at each point, to maximize the effective diffusion of information and behavior change across the community. The present article outlines eight points of community intervention including centers, institutions, major media, minor media, special events, formal social networks, informal social networks, and created social networks. A sequencing of intervention efforts at these points is proposed which is predicated on their role in regard to the need for preparation, public awareness, notification about planned events and implementation of the program. The proposed orchestration of the points for community program implementation capitalizes on the diffusion process and on the synergistic effects of multimodal education efforts.