Sink Metabolism in Tomato Fruit

In developing tomato (Lycopersican esculentum Mill.) fruit, starch levels reach a peak early in development with soluble sugars (hexoses) gradually increasing in concert with starch degradation. To determine the enzymic basis of this transient partitioning of carbon to starch, the activities of key carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes were investigated in extracts from developing fruits of three varieties (cv VF145-7879, cv LA1563, and cv UC82B), differing in final soluble sugar accumulation. Of the enzymes analyzed, ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase and sucrose synthase levels were temporally correlated with the transient accumulation of starch, having highest activities in cv LA1563, the high soluble sugar accumulator. Of the starch-degrading enzymes, phosphorylase levels were fivefold higher than those of amylase, and these activities did not increase during the period of starch degradation. Fifteen percent of the amylase activity and 45 to 60% of the phosphorylase activity was localizd in the chloroplast in cv VF145-7879. These results suggest that starch degradation in tomato fruit is predominantly phosphorolytic. The results suggest that starch biosynthetic capacity, as determined by levels of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase rather than starch degradative capacity, regulate the transient accumulation of starch that occurs early in tomato fruit development. The results also suggest that ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase and sucrose synthase levels correlated positively with soluble sugar accumulation in the three varieties examined.