It is possible to obtain an experimental simulation of electrical failures in studying the onset voltage of the nonlinearity of a two-dimensional random lattice of resistors and diodes. If there are more diodes than resistors, the onset voltage Vb is identical to the breakdown voltage of an insulator made of resistors and insulating elements which can be broken. Near pc, Vb goes to zero with an exponent equal to 1.1 ± 0.3 in agreement with computer simulation. If now there are more resistors than diodes, the onset voltage VNL is similar to the "fusing" current of a conductor made of conductive parts that behave like fuses and insulating parts (fuse model). Near pc, VNL goes to zero with an exponent equal to 0.5 ± 0.2 and it is shown to be larger than the exponent of the fuse model equal to v1=0.33 in two dimensions.