Growth Processes of Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Domain growth processes of Si(111)√3×√3-R30°-Ag surfaces and their dependence upon deposition conditions have been investigated by means of scanning tunneling microscope. When Ag is deposited at room temperature, small islands are formed on the terraces. After annealing at 350°C, these small islands change into √3-Ag domains on the terraces without diffusion of Ag atoms to the step edges. On the other hand, when Ag is deposited on a hot substrate of about 350°C, the √3-Ag domains nucleate at the step edges and few √3-Ag domains are observed on the terraces. Moreover, two kinds of √3-Ag domains are found in either case: one domain is geometrically higher than the other domain.