The acc locus from the Ti plasmid pTiC58 confers utilization of and chemotaxis toward agrocinopines A and B (A+B), as well as susceptibility to a highly specific antiagrobacterial antibiotic, agrocin 84. DNA sequence analyses revealed that acc is composed of eight open reading frames, accR and accA through accG. Previous work showed that accR encodes the repressor which regulates this locus, and accA codes for the periplasmic binding protein of the agrocinopine transport system (S. Beck Von Bodman, G. T. Hayman, and S. K. Farrand, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:643-647, 1992; G. T. Hayman, S. Beck Von Bodman, H. Kim, P. Jiang, and S. K. Farrand, J. Bacteriol. 175:5575-5584, 1993). The predicted proteins from accA through accE, as a group, have homology to proteins that belong to the ABC-type transport system superfamily. The predicted product of accF is related to UgpQ of Escherichia coli, which is a glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase, and also to agrocinopine synthase coded for by acs located on the T-DNA. The translated product of accG is related to myoinositol 1 (or 4) monophosphatases from various eucaryotes. Analyses of insertion mutations showed that accA through accE are required for transport of both agrocin 84 and agrocinopines A+B, while accF and accG are required for utilization of the opines as the sole source of carbon. Mutations in accF or accG did not abolish transport of agrocin 84, although we observed slower removal of the antibiotic from the medium by the accF mutant compared to the wild type. However, the insertion mutation in accF abolished detectable uptake of agrocinopines A+B. A mutation in accG had no effect on transport of the opines. The accF mutant was not susceptible to agrocin 84 although it took up the antibiotic. This finding suggests that agrocin 84 is activated by AccF after being transported into the bacterial cell.