Control of the electrical properties of In-doped HgCdTe grown by MOVPE for IR detector applications

A study has been made of the electrical behaviour of In-doped metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) layers of Hg1-xCdxTe grown by the interdiffused multilayer process (IMP) in order to establish the factors needed to obtain uniform extrinsic n-type layers with high electrical activity and mobility. Layers with x between 0.2 and 0.3 were grown on (100) CdTe and CdTeSe at 360 degrees C using di-isopropyltelluride (DIPT) and doped with trimethylindium (TMIn) in two ways, depending on In concentration, (In). For (In)>1*1017 cm-3 layers were doped with TMIn on the CdTe part of the IMP cycle while for (In) in the range 1*1015 to 1*1017 cm-3 the TMIn memory of the growth system was used, resulting in doping on the HgTe part of the IMP cycle because of a greater efficiency of incorporation. In profiles, which were determined by secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), are shown to depend on doping process due to TMIn partial pressure variations from adsorption effects.