4fn4fn15dtransitions of the light lanthanides: Experiment and theory

The 4fn4fn15d(fd) excitation spectra of the light lanthanides (Ce3+, Pr3+, Nd3+, Sm3+, and Eu3+) incorporated in LiYF4, CaF2, and YPO4 are investigated in the ultraviolet and vacuum-ultraviolet spectral region (100–250 nm). In these host lattices fine structure (zero-phonon lines and vibronic lines) is observed for fd transitions involving the lowest 5d crystal-field state. The observation of zero-phonon lines makes it possible to analyze the complicated structure in the fd spectra and to compare the experimentally observed spectra with energy-level calculations for the 4fn15d states. Energy-level and intensity calculations were performed by an extension of the commonly used theory for energy-level calculations of 4fn states. A good agreement between experiment and theory is obtained for the overall structure using the crystal-field splitting (from the spectra of Ce3+), the parameters for the splitting of the 4fn1 core (from the literature on energy level calculations for 4fn states) and the spin-orbit coupling of the 5d electron and Coulomb interaction between 4f and 5d electrons (from atomic parameters using the computer code of Cowan).