Length scales for wetting transitions: Beyond the continuum Landau approximation for the interfacial binding potential

We show that the length scale α1, which appears in the interfacial binding potential of the effective Hamiltonian description of wetting transitions, should be identified with the ‘‘true’’ or exponential range of the pair-correlation function of the bulk (wetting) phase, rather than the Ornstein-Zernike (second-moment) bulk correlation length ξb. Since α1>ξb, this implies that the parameter ω=kBTα2/4πΣ̃, which determines the values of critical exponents for critical wetting in three dimensions, is significantly smaller than initial estimates of this quantity. For the simple-cubic Ising model (αξb )1≊1.46 for TTR, the roughening temperature, and depending on the magnitude of the interfacial stiffness Σ̃, we conclude ω≲0.5 is appropriate for such temperatures. We discuss the implications for recent Monte Carlo studies of critical wetting.