Coccidia were found in 6 of 49 wild birds of 21 species collected in the Perry River region on the Arctic Ocean in the Canadian Northwest Territory. Eimeria brantae was found in the lesser Canada goose, Branta canadensis parvipes, Eimeria (?) or Tyzzeria (?) sp. in the old squaw duck, Clangula hyemalis, and the blue goose, Chen caerulescens; Eimeria (?) sp. from the ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres morinella; and Eimeria brinkmanni and E. fanthami from the rock ptarmigan, Lagopus mutus rupestris. The principal morphological characteristics and results of cross-infection experiments of Cryptosporidium, Eimeria, Isospora and Wenyonella from the avian orders Galliformes, Anseriformes and Charadriiformes are reviewed. Eimeria dendrocopi nom. nov. and E. nonbrumpti nom. nov. are assigned to forms previously described under the names E. lyruri and E. brumpti, respectively, from the woodpecker, Dendrocopos major.