Chemical implantation, isotopic trapping effects, and induced hygroscopicity resulting from 15 keV ion bombardment of sapphire

Targets of single crystal sapphire (α‐Al2O3) have been bombarded with 15 keV H+, D+, He+, Ne+, and Ar+. The H+ and D+ chemically implant, as indicated by the production of ir absorption bands at 3400 and 2450 cm−1, attributed to the hydroxyl and deuteroxyl stretching frequencies, respectively. At ion fluences of 1×1017 cm−2 the chemical trapping efficiency of D+ as calculated from the integrated deuteroxyl band intensity is of the order of unity. The number of D+ chemically trapped as deuteroxyl saturates at about 2×1017 cm−2 of target surface area, and at higher D+ fluences physical trapping of deuterium in gas blisters becomes the dominant trapping mechanism. By contrast, chemical trapping of H+ saturates at about 7×1016 cm−2. This isotopic effect can be rationalized in terms of the greater displacement damage resulting from D+ bombardment. The surfaces of sapphire targets subjected to 15 keV H+, D+, and He+ bombardments at fluences above 2×1017 cm−2 exhibit an induced hygroscopicity characterized by a growing hydroxyl band absorption on exposure to water vapor. Blisters indicative of physical trapping are observed for H+ and He+ as well as for high fluence D+ bombardments. There is no evidence of blistering or induced hygroscopicity due to Ne+ or Ar+ bombardments. The results for H+ and D+ are extrapolated to T+ and the implications for chemical sputtering are considered.