Triton Reactions near 2 MeV:B11(t, α)Be10

α-particle groups from the B11(t, α)Be10 reaction have been studied using thin self-supporting boron films isotopically enriched to 98% in B11 and surface-barrier detectors. Angular distributions of tritons elastically scattered by B11 and of α particles leaving Be10 in its ground and first-excited states were measured at triton energies ranging from 1.00-2.10 MeV. The elastic-scattering data were analyzed with the optical model, and the reaction data were analyzed with the distorted-wave Born approximation for p proton pickup. α-particle potentials having deep wells as opposed to shallow ones were found to provide best fits to the reaction data. The ratio of the spectroscopic factor of the first-excited state in Be10 to that of the ground state, found from the fits to the data, is in reasonable agreement with the value obtained from shell-model calculations.