O.D.M.R. investigation of recombination in μc-Si:H

The luminescence from μc-Si: H measured out to 0·54 eV shows a long low- energy tail with a broad maximum near 0·8 eV as well as bands at 0·95 and 1·3 eV. The O.D.M.R. shows that the long tail is associated with two enhancing signals with g= 1·999 and 2·006 implying donor-acceptor recombination in the microcrystallites. A weak quenching O.D.M.R. signal at g = 2·005 is associated with the 1·3 and 0·95 eV emission bands and, in particular, the results for the 1·3 eV band are consistent with it arising in the amorphous intercrystallite region. The 0·95 eV band is thought to arise from defects similar to those observed in crystalline material.