Correction of high‐order eddy current induced geometric distortion in diffusion‐weighted echo‐planar images

Diffusion-weighted images acquired with the echo-planar imaging technique are highly sensitive to eddy current induced geometric distortions that vary with the magnitude and direction of the diffusion sensitizing gradients. Such distortions cause misalignment of images acquired with different diffusion strengths and orientations. This in turn can result in errors when calculating maps of the apparent diffusion coefficient and diffusion tensor. Previous correction methods either require separate calibration data or only deal with low-order errors. In this study, we demonstrate a method that can correct for higher-order errors. The method relies on collecting pairs of images with diffusion sensitizing gradients reversed. This paired data are first corrected for shifts and linear distortion and then combined to cancel higher-order errors. All acquired data contribute to the final results. The method has been tested by simulation, on phantoms, on adult volunteers, and on neonatal brain examinations. Magn Reson Med 52:1184–1189, 2004.