Submaximal alternatives to the Harvard pack index as guides to maximal oxygen uptake (physical fitness)

Four exercise tests were examined as guides to maximal O2 uptake measured directly using as subjects 101 volunteer mine rescue brigadesmen. Indices were compared as follows: maximal O2 uptake per kg body mass during running on treadmill (.ovrhdot.nO2 max kg-1); Harvard pack index (HPI); cardiac frequency in the 6th min of treadmill walking (speed 5 [km/h], incline; cardiac frequency in the 6th min of stepping exercise (box height 32 cm, frequency 20/min; and workload per kg body mass associated with cardiac frequency of 150/min during progressive cycle test (2 min each at 100, 125 and 150 W). The scores for the latter 3 tests were intercorrelated (r = 0.72-0.80) and each could be used to predict HPI (coefficient of variation .simeq. 10%). None of the tests were reliable predictors of .ovrhdot.nO2 max kg-1. There is a need for an alternative approach.