Studies on sulphatases. 3. The arylsulphatase and β-glucuronidase of marine molluscs

The arylsulphatase (I) and beta-glucuronidase (II) activity of tissue suspensions of marine molluscs were studied using K p-acetylphenyl sulphate and p-chlorophenyl glucuronide as substrates. I and II activities were found in viscera or digestive glands of 11 common marine molluscs. For Littorina littorea and Patella vulgata, the pH opt. were 5.5 (I) and 4.0 (n); opt. substrate concn. were 0.065 M. (Littorina) and 0.045 M. (Patella) for I and 0.045 [image] for both organisms with II. Both enzyme activities were slowly lost upon incubation at 37[degree] without substrate and were present in both supernatant and debris when suspensions were centrifuged.