Relaxation energy shift in L X-ray emission spectra of the elements Nb (Z=41) to Sb (Z=51)

L(L-M, N) X-ray emission energies of the elements Nb, Pd, Cd, In, Sn and Sb are measured by a high-precision double-crystal spectrometer. The measured L X-ray emission energies are in good agreement with the previous results by Bearden (1967). The dipole relaxation energy shifts of the L1, M2,3 and N1 levels of these elements are determined approximately from the measured L X-ray emission energies by using a simple scheme. They are in good agreement with those obtained from the available XPS binding energies. The dipole relaxation shifts are found to be 4-8 eV for L1, 1-5 eV for M2,3 and 5-10 eV for N1 levels for these elements.