Single proton transfer toP29,30states

Differential cross sections were measured for the (He3,d) reaction on Si28 and Si29 at EHe3=25 MeV by use of an Enge split-pole spectrometer. Up to 19 point angular distributions for transitions to 12 states in P29 below 6.4 MeV excitation energy and to 66 states in P30 below 8.7 MeV were analyzed in the distorted-wave Born approximation. The optical model parameters required for the distorted-wave Born approximation analysis were obtained from elastic He3 scattering data which were taken on Si28, Si29, and Si30. A number of P30 levels were found to have large components of simple two-particle structure, with one particle in the 2s12 shell and the other either in the 2s12, 1d32, 1f72, or 2p32 shells. Specifically, the states at 6092 and 7048 keV were assigned Jπ=3, T=1 and Jπ=4, T=1, respectively, because they were found to carry a significant fraction of the (2s12) (1f72) strength. However, the T=0 components of the