Summary The effect of cytochalasin B (CB; 25 Μ·ml−1 in 1% dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO) upon the structural polarity of statocytes in cress roots is demonstrated. If normal, vertically grown roots are incubated in CB, the structural polarity of the statocytes is altered according to the developmental stage of the root. Statocytes from young roots (13 or 17 hours, additionally 7 hours CB) are characterized by proximal ER cisternae and a sparsely developed distal ER-complex. Statocytes from older roots (24 hours, additionally 7 hours CB) still accumulate distal ER, as in control roots, but at the proximal cell pole in the vicinity of the nucleus additional ER is found. These effects are reversed by washing out the drug in DMSO. Growth of the roots under a continuous supply of CB yields statocytes with sedimented nuclei, proximal ER and almost no distal ER. Together with quantitative data from morphometric studies, a dynamic model of the expression of inherent cell polarity in structural polarity is proposed.