Meiotic nuclear behavior and chromosome numbers have been examined, using a propionic–iron–hematoxylin staining method, in Neurospora crassa and in five homothallic species, N. africana, N. dodgei, N. galapagosensis, N. lineolata and N. tcrricola. Ascus development, haploid chromosome numbers (n = 7), and morphology in all five homothallic species resemble the heterothallic N. crassa. The following observations have not been reported previously for any Neurospora species, although some have been described in other fungi. Most observations apply to all five homothallic species and to N. crassa except where otherwise indicated. (1) Chromosomes elongate considerably between karyogamy and the beginning of synapsis, and leptotene and zygotene stages can be identified. (2) The ascus tip flattens, and an apical pore begins to form during diplotene. (3) After telophase III, when all eight nuclei line up in single file, the nuclei are always arranged perpendicularly to the ascus wall with all spindle plaques on the same side. All nuclei then tilt relative to the ascus base with the spindle plaques at the lower end; consequently, the spores become obliquely arranged. (4) Ascospores of N. terricola are initially spindle shaped and occupy the entire ascus but later become compact and ovoid with spaces between them. (5) Maturing ascospores grow two to four times their initial compacted size. (6) In the young ascus, the nucleolus usually orients toward the base. (7) In N. terricola, the nucleolus is frequently hemispherical, especially in the young asci. (8) Half-moon-shaped polar caps are sometimes visible, one on each side of the prophase I nucleus; these are most prominent in N. terricola. (9) Cytological preparations are greatly improved if hydrolyzed perithecia are thoroughly washed in a Carnoy's solution containing chloroform.