The formation of a biologically equivalent carbonatecontaining apatite on the surface of synthetic calcium phosphate ceramics (CPC) may be an important step leading to bonding with bone. Reactions of several single phases CPCs upon immersion into a simulated physiologic solution (SPS) with an electrolyte composition of human plasma were determined. The CPCs covered a wide range of solution stabilities from low‐soluble hydroxyapatites (HA) to metastable tricalcium phosphates (TCP) and tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP). Changes in chemical composition of SPS and infrared spectral features after CPC immersion were analyzed. New phase formation was observed on all the CPCs. However, kinetics, compositions, and structures of the new phases were significantly different. The studied CPCs can be characterized by the time to new phase formation in vitro; the minimum time for measurable precipitate formation was found to increase in the order: not‐well‐crystallized HAs < well‐crystallized HAs < α‐TCP, TTCP < β‐TCP. Among the CPCs only not‐well‐crystallized HAs led to immediate new phase formation. The metastable CPCs, β‐TCP, α‐TCP, and TTCP required an induction time during which dissolution occurred. β‐TCP showed the longest induction time and the lowest lattice ion uptake rate of all the CPCs tested. Only the not‐well‐crystallized HAs elicited immediate formation of carbonated HA. The well‐crystallized HAs and β‐TCP did not elicit carbonated apatite formation within the time frame of the experiment. Instead, intermediate phases were formed. On α‐TCP amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) with a relatively low carbonate content was formed. TTCP was found to transform extensively to poorly crystallized carbonated apatite after 2 days of immersion. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.