Cells of a soybean tissue strain, suspended in an aerated liquid medium, caused disappearance of p-coumaric acid from the medium and oxidation of guaiacol, benzidine, pyrogallol, L-dihydroxyphenylalanine and L-epinephrine. Both the disappearance and the oxidations were inhibited by 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at a concentration of 0.5 mM. BAP at other concentrations either promoted or inhibited oxidation of epinephrine in precisely the pattern reported earlier for the disappearance of coumarate; therefore, the disappearance of coumarate probably involves its oxidation. The effectiveness of other cytokinins in inhibiting the oxidation was studied. At 0.5 mM, and perhaps even at 0.5 μM, some of the several cytokinins tested inhibited oxygen consumption by the soybean cells. This inhibition, which did not require any of the above metabolizable compounds, was especially marked in the presence of cyanide, azide or Antimycin A, and was detectable in 10 min or less. Either Antimycin A or salicylhydroxamic acid alone promoted O2 consumption but together they were quite inhibitory. The soybean cells apparently have an alternate respiratory pathway and cytokinins may influence its operation. Several cytokinins at 0.5 mM, and perhaps at 0.5 μM, also inhibited oxygen consumption by mitochondrial preparations from the soybean cells, the inhibition being evident in about 20 s. The consumption required a substrate such as malate, succinate or NADH. Cytokinins and related compounds varied in effectiveness as follows: BAP and 6-isopentenyla-minopurine ≥ 9-tetrahydropyranyl-BAP > kinetin, ribosyl-isopentenylaminopurine, 9-methyl-BAP and 9-methoxymethyl-BAP > 6,6-dimethylaminopurine and zeatin (slight activity) > 6-methylaminopurine, nicotinamide and adenine (ineffective). To a great extent this order parallels the order of effectiveness of the compounds in causing cell division. Mitochondria, therefore, may contain a site for an important cytokinin action.