Improved renal transplant preservation using a modified intracellular flush solution (PB-2)

A number of new intracellular renal flush solutions have been found to be more efficacious than Collins-2 (C-2) solution in extending organ viability during simple cold storage. However, the mechanism of action of these solutions remains poorly understood. To delineate better underlying intracellular mechanisms, we studied a modified, simple, hypothermic, intracellular (340 mOsm/kg) flush solution (PB-2). The development of PB-2 solution is based on the ability of some of its individual components to minimize ischemic adenine nucleotide (AN) catabolism and endothelial post “reperfusion injury.” Preliminary results in 10 canine autorenal transplants show a significant (PP31P-MRS) showed more high energy phosphorus metabolites (phosphomonoester and nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: P31P-MRS, and EM studies indicates that PB-2 solution enhances renal preservation by diminution of both reperfusion injury and the loss of intracellular high energy metabolites that are necessary for viability.