EPR study ofNi+andNi3+in x-irradiated CaF2

EPR measurements of CaF2:Ni crystals before and after room-temperature (RT) x irradiation are reported. Depending on the rare-earth impurity content a small concentration of Ni+ centers is observed in "as-grown" crystals. During RT x irradiation the Ni+ concentration increases. At least two different kinds of Ni+ centers are observed in the EPR spectra. One of them has tetragonal symmetry with g=2.569 and g=2.089 and gives a superhyperfine (SHF) structure, due to the interaction with four equivalent flouride ions, which can be resolved at liquid-nitrogen temperature (LNT). The other one has an almost tetragonal symmetry with g factors and SHF structure very close to the former one but the (SHF) structure is resolved at RT. The first Ni+ center is associated with a (NiF4)3 molecular ion with the Ni+ at a distance of about 0.37 Å from the plane of the fluorine atoms. The other EPR signal is assigned to a similar center with some kind of perturbation. An isotropic EPR signal (g=2.003) with a well-resolved superhyperfine structure due to the interaction with eight equivalent fluorines has been detected in some of the samples after RT x irradiation. The tentative model proposed for the center responsible for this signal is a Ni3+ ion at a Ca2+ substitutional position.