Magnetic Structure of RbMnCl3

The compound RbMnCl3 is paramagnetic at room temperature and belongs to the space group D6h4P63mmc with six molecules per unit cell. Neutron diffraction of RbMnCl3-powder sample was studied as a function of the sample temperature. A transition to antiferromagnetism was found at TN94°K. The magnetic structure determined from the diffraction pattern at 4.2°K consists of ferromagnetic planes stacked in the sequence A(+), B(), B(+), A(), C(+), C(), along the c axis. Spin direction is perpendicular to the c axis, defining an infinite number of structures which belong to a two-dimensional irreducible representation Γ6+ of D6h4. Two distinctly different structures of orthorhombic symmetry, Cmcm and Cmcm, span the subspace of this representation and are consistent with the diffraction data. Dipolar energy calculations show that the direction perpendicular to the z^ direction is of lower dipolar energy than that parallel to z^. The existence of a spin component perpendicular to z^ is also confirmed with the aid of an external magnetic field. A magnetic moment of 4.1 μB is calculated for the Mn2+ ion from the diffraction pattern at 4.2°K.

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