Amylographic Reproducibility of Defatted Potato Starch by the Re‐Introduction of Lipid

It was tried to get the amylographic reproducibility of the defatted potato starch by the re‐addition of the extracted lipid fraction in order to increase the knowledge on starch‐lipid interaction. The starch was defatted with methanol, dried and passed through a 100‐mesh‐sieve. Then, 1.0% fatty acid as sodium salt was re‐introduced to the defatted starch. The surface lipids as well as the internal starch lipids affect several physico‐chemical properties, and the defatting treatment influences the starch granules with respect to morphological and qualitative changes. From the results was concluded that the characteristics of amylographic alteration were caused by the internal starch lipids present in small, but significant amounts, together with the starch surface lipids. From the industrial point of view it seems to be of importance, that the defatting treatment of potato starch leads to more viscose starch pastes.