Statistical model analysis of cross sections of (n, t) and (n,He3) reactions induced by 14.6 MeV neutrons on target nuclei withA=27 to 59

Total cross sections of 14.6 MeV neutron induced reactions (n, n), (n, p), (n, d), (n, α), (n, t), and (n, He3), on the target nuclei in the mass region A=27 to 59, have been calculated (for the first stage decay) by the Hauser-Feshbach method using a unified set of optical model parameters. The strong reaction channels are described well by the calculations. The (n, t) reaction on target nuclei in the (2s, 1d) shell seems to proceed predominantly via statistical processes; for heavier nuclei nonstatistical contributions become important. In the case of (n, He3) reactions, the few experimentally measured cross sections are much higher than those obtained by theoretical calculations.