Immunocytochemical Localization of Relaxin in Human Decidua and Placenta*

Specimens from 20 human term placentas were stained with 4 different antisera produced against porcine relaxin (Rlx) using the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase procedure. Cells of the parietal decidua adherent to the fetal membranes, cells of the chorionic cytotrophoblast, as well as cells of the placental basal plate consistently stained with all 4 anti-Rlx sera. Occasionally, Rlx was detected in epithelial cells lining the amniotic membrane. The syncytiotrophoblast stained for Rlx in 2 specimens only. This response was seen only in syncytiotrophoblast that lined villi in close proximity to the basal plate. Syncytiotrophoblast of the chorionic villi either did not stain at all or gave very weak positive immunostaining with the anti-Rlx sera in all specimens. No difference was noted in staining patterns among placentas delivered by elective cesarean section or vaginal delivery.