Calcification of hypertrophic cartilage in vitro

The nature and properties of the dual calcifying mechanism of hypertrophic cartilage have been further investigated. Deposits of the salts of Ba, Sr and Mg were obtained in vitro in the hypertrophic cartilage of the bones of rachitic rats by means of the bone-phosphatase mechanism. Deposits of Sr salts were also obtained from highly supersaturated solns. containing no phosphoric ester, which indicates that the second mechanism is not entirely specific for the Ca salt of bone. Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone preparations had no demonstrable action on the calcification or decalcification of bone slices in vitro. Glucose, but not fructose or sucrose, inhibited calcification in vitro when added to inorganic solns. NaF and Na iodoacetate in very low concn. exerted a pronounced inhibitory effect on the second mechanism but not on the phosphatase. The nature of the dual calcifying mechanism is discussed in the light of these and other experimental results.