Co‐operative trial of methods of analysis to detect irradiation treatment of chicken samples: initial trial

Summary: The results of a co‐operative trial of methods for detecting irradiated chicken are reported.Seven laboratories participated in the trial. Participants received bone, skin or flesh from whole birds which had been irradiated at 2.5 and 5kGy and also from control unirradiated birds. The most frequently used method was electron spin resonance (ESR) but other methods used by participants included hydrocarbon profiling and a bacterial screen.Most participants using ESR methodology estimated the dose received by the chickens to within 1kGy at the lower dose level. Greater error in dose quantification was apparent at the higher level although no statistical analyses could be performed due to insufficient data. However, there were some discrepant results. Results using other procedures, although only semi‐quantitative or qualitative, were in the correct order. Similar trials will be organized and will include a variety of food‐stuffs other than chicken.

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