Growth of Pb1-x-yCdxSryS Films and SLs by Hot Wall Epitaxy for 3 µm Lasers, and Their Electrical Properties

PbCdS, PbSrS and PbCdSrS films were prepared on BaF2(111) and KCl(100) using the hot wall epitaxy (HWE) technique and their growths were studied. For Pb1-xCdxS films, it was observed that CdS incorporation in (111) surface is greater than the CdS incorporation in (100) surface, while in Pb1-ySryS films SrS was incorporated equally in either surface. Pb1-xCdxS/PbS and Pb1-ySryS/PbS superlattices (SLs) were also prepared and their structures were studied by the high-angle X-ray diffraction measurement. It was observed that a considerable amount of Cd is diffused into the PbS layers during the growth. On the other hand, the amount of Sr diffusion was small. PbCdS, PbSrS and PbCdSrS p-type and n-type films were obtained by doping with Tl and Bi. Both PbSrS and PbCdSrS showed high carrier concentration and mobility, while the carrier concentration and mobility of PbCdS were relatively low.