Possibility of a ninthJP=12+baryon

It is shown that (i) the small but definite discrepancy between the mass-squared Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula of the 12+ baryons and experiment, (ii) the trouble of the ΣΛ degeneracy, and (iii) the deviation of the DF ratio of the axial-vector semileptonic couplings from the SU(6) value as indicated by the value |GAGV|=0.435±0.035 of the latest high-statistics experiment on the Σn+e+ν¯ decay as compared with the SU(6) value ≃ 0.25, can be explained simultaneously if a ninth I=0,12+ baryon Λ exists around 1700 MeV with a broad width of about 1 GeV. The hyperon semileptonic decays in the presence of the Λ are analyzed in detail. The Cabibbo angles are determined to be sinθV=0.227±0.008 and sinθA=0.220±0.020. The theoretical frameworks used are asymptotic SU(3), chiral SU(3)SU(3) charge algebra, and the simple mechanism of symmetry breaking.

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