EMG patterns associated with voluntary wrist flexion movements were studied in normal human subjects. Initially, subjects were trained to produce movements within five specified velocity ranges while the amplitude of the movement and the opposing load remained constant. In a second set of experiments, subjects were required to produce movements at four different amplitudes, moving as rapidly as possible against a constant load. Finally, with movement velocity and amplitude kept constant, the external load was varied so that different forces were required to generate the movements. The slowest movements were associated with a prolonged burst of EMG activity from the agonist muscle with little or no antagonist activity. With increasing movement velocity, there was a gradual evolution to the characteristic “triphasic” pattern associated with rapid voluntary movements. As velocity of movement increased further, the amplitude and area of the EMG bursts increased while burst duration and interburst intervals decreased. Increases in movement amplitude were accomplished mainly by changing the timing of the EMG bursts; with larger amplitude movements the antagonist burst occurred later. With movements against larger loads there was an increase in the size of the agonist burst and a decrease in the antagonist burst, but no change in the relative timing of the EMG bursts. These systematic changes in EMG patterns associated with different types of movement provide an indirect method of obtaining information concerning the motor programs which generate the movements.