Magnetic, Transport, and Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Properties ofU1xPuxAl2

Magnetic-susceptibility, electrical-resistivity, and Al27 Knight-shift and spin-lattice-relaxation results on the pseudobinary cubic Laves phase compounds U1xPuxAl2 are presented. Samples in the annealed and in the self-irradiation-damaged state were studied. The results are consistent with spin fluctuations of the 5f electron state associated with the actinide ions. The strength of the coupling between the s-wave conduction electrons at the Fermi energy and the 5f state is found to increase rapidly with plutonium concentration. In atomically well ordered PuAl2 the coherence of the sf hybridization is destroyed by spin-fluctuation scattering above 10 °K. The 5f states behave as incoherent virtual bound states centered at the Fermi level in damaged PuAl2 and the Pu-rich alloys. Antiferromagnetic order is found at 6 °K for U0.7 Pu0.3 Al2.