Electromagnetic dipole operator effect onB¯XsγatO(αs2)

The flavor-changing electromagnetic dipole operator O7 gives the dominant contribution to the B¯Xsγ decay rate. We calculate two-loop QCD corrections to its matrix element together with the corresponding bremsstrahlung contributions. The optical theorem is applied, and the relevant imaginary parts of three-loop diagrams are computed following the lines of our recent tXbW calculation. The complete result allows us to test the validity of the naive non-Abelianization (NNA) approximation that has been previously applied to estimate the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD correction to Γ(B¯Xsγ)/Γ(B¯Xueν¯). When both decay widths are normalized to mb,R5 in the same renormalization scheme R, the calculated O(αs2) correction is sizable (6%), and the NNA estimate is about 1/3 too large. On the other hand, when the ratio of the decay widths is written as S×mb,MS¯2(mb)/mb,pole2, the calculated O(αs2) correction to S is at the level of 1% for both the complete and the NNA results.