Cloned herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA fragments were used to fine-structure map the temperature-sensitive (ts) lesions from four mutants, ts T, D, c75, and K, by marker rescue. These mutants all overproduced immediate-early viral polypeptides at the nonpermissive temperature. Although one of these viruses, ts K, gave a more restricted infected-cell polypeptide profile under these conditions than the other three, no complementation was detected between pairwise crosses of these mutants in the yield test. Recombination, however, was obtained between all mutant pairs except ts T and D. In physical mapping experiments, ts+ virus was recovered from cells coinfected with DNA of ts T, D, or c75 and BamHI fragment k from wild-type strain 17 HSV-1 DNA cloned in pAT153, whereas ts K was rescued by cloned HSV-1 BamHI-y. Both of these cloned DNA fragments contained sequences from the short repeat region of the HSV-1 genome. The ts mutations were more precisely mapped by marker rescue, using restriction enzyme fragments within BamHI-k and -y from cloned DNA. The smallest fragment able to rescue a mutant was 320 base pairs long. The order of the four mutations derived from these studies was consistent with the assignment by genetic recombination. All four lesions mapped within the coding sequences of the immediate-early polypeptide Vmw IE 175 (ICP4) which lie outside the "a" sequence. The results showed that mutations in different regions of the gene encoding Vmw IE 175 could produce similar phenotype effects at the nonpermissive temperature.