• Twenty-five consecutive cases of adult inclusion conjunctivitis were studied. Diagnosis was based on the finding of typical Halberstaedter-Prowazek inclusion bodies on conjunctival scrapings. Corneal involvement was common (20/25 patients); most frequent was superficial epithelial keratitis (15/25). Other changes seen included subepithelial nummular keratitis (6/25), marginal keratitis (2/25), and superior limbal swelling and pannus (4/25). There seemed to be a predilection for involvement of the upper half of the cornea. Conjunctival scarring occurred in one patient only. Associated genitourinary symptoms were spontaneously reported in three patients only; however, on careful questioning, an additional 12 patients were found to have a history of urethritis or cervicitis. A comparison with viral follicular conjunctivitis is made. The location and pattern of keratopathy, associated genitourinary complaints, mucopurulent nature of discharge, and lack of response to standard topical therapy would seem to suggest chlamydial cause. Conjunctival scrapings are very helpful in differential diagnosis between viral and chlamydial conjunctivitis.

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