The control by atmospheric factors and water stress of midday stomatal closure in Arbutus unedo growing in a natural macchia

Midday closure of stomata of well-watered (ψ between-10 and-25 bar) or moderately stressed (ψ between-25 and-35 bar) Arbutus unedo plants occurs when midday leaf temperatures increase above 30°C and vapor pressure difference between leaf air spaces and the external air increases above approximately 30 mbar/bar. Moderate water stress decreases maximum conductance and may result in greater sensitivity to high leaf temperature and vapor pressure dificit, which results in earlier closure and later reopening of stomata. Severe water stress (ψ of-50 bar) changes the form of the daily pattern observed for leaf conductance. A single morning peak in conductance occurs followed by decrease in conductance over the remainder of the day. Morning fog in Portugal during the dry season may facilitate stomatal opening and may allow improvement of carbon balances of the leaves for short periods, but contributes little to improvement of plant water balances over the longer term.