Postnatal maturation of ventilation and breathing pattern in kittens: influence of sleep

Ventilation and breathing pattern were studied in kittens at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 wk of life during quiet wakefulness (W), quiet sleep (QS), and active sleep (AS) with the barometric method. Tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (f), ventilation (VE), inspiratory time (TI), expiratory time (TE), mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI), and respiratory “duty cycle” (TI/TT) were measured. VT, VE, TI, TE, and VT/TI increased; f decreased and TI/TT remained constant during postnatal development in wakefulness and in both sleep states. No significant difference was observed between AS and QS for all the ventilatory parameters except TI/TT, which was greater in QS than in AS at 2 wk. VE was larger in W than in both AS and QS at all ages. This was mainly due to a greater f, TI/TT remaining constant. VT/TI, which represents an index of the central inspiratory activity, was larger in W than in sleep, VT not being significantly different whatever the stage of consciousness. The results of this study show that in the kitten 1) unlike in the adult cat, ventilation and breathing pattern are similar in QS and in AS; 2) in sleep, the central inspiratory drive appears to be independent of the type of sleep; and 3) in wakefulness, the increase of the central inspiratory activity could be related to important excitatory inputs.