Dielectric Relaxation of Nonrigid Molecules at Lower Temperature

The complex dielectric constants of supercooled, branched alkyl halides, if plotted on the complex plane, are described by the skewed‐arc expression of Davidson and Cole. Contrary to this, dielectric properties of a great majority of straight‐chain alkyl halides at room temperature are in fair accord with the circular‐arc rule of Cole and Cole. Glarum considered the former behavior as an anomaly and presented a defect diffusion model. In the present paper another new mechanism is proposed. According to this, the dielectric properties of all these nonrigid molecules at lower temperatures are explainable from the same principle which explains the dielectric properties of the same substances at higher temperatures. In this mechanism a distribution of relaxation times between two limits is assumed. Skewed arcs similar to the Davidson‐Cole type are to be observed at low temperatures, because the ratio of two limiting relaxation times becomes considerably larger with decrease in temperature.