This study describes the projection of cervical spinal afferent nerve fibers to the medulla in the brush-tailed possum, a marsupial mammal. After single dorsal roots (between C2 and T1) were cut in a series of animals, the Fink-Heimer method was used to demonstrate the projection fields of fibers entering the CNS via specific dorsal roots. In the high cervical spinal cord, afferent fibers from each dorsal root form a discrete layer in the dorsal funiculus. The flattened laminae from upper cervical levels are lateral and those from lower cervical levels are medial within the dorsal columns. All afferent fibers at this level are separated from gray matter by the corticospinal fibers in the dorsal funiculus. All cervical roots project throughout most of the length of the well-developed main cuneate nucleus in a loosely segmentotopic fashion. Fibers from rostral roots enter more lateral parts of the nucleus, and fibers from lower levels pass to more medial areas; but terminal projection fields are typically large and overlap extensively. At more rostral medullary levels, fibers from all cervical dorsal roots also reach the external cuneate nucleus. The spatial arrangement here is more complex and more extensively overlapped than in the cuneate nucleus. Rostral cervical root fibers reach ventral and ventrolateral areas of the external cuneate nucleus and continue to its rostral pole; more caudal root fibers project to more dorsal and medial regions within the nucleus. These results demonstrate that projection patterns of spinal afferents in this marsupial are similar to those seen in the few placental species for which detailed data concerning this system are available.